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Monday, January 22, 2024

4 Effective Strategies to Add to Your 2018 Marketing Toolkit

By ndenholm

For proactive businesses, the end of the year represents an opportunity for review and reflection. It’s a time to assess the past year’s marketing strategies, analyze successes and failures and devise new tactics for the year ahead. 

But, forging ahead without reviewing popular trends and industry strategies can keep your brand one step behind the industry leaders. Below are four effective strategies to add to your 2018 marketing toolbox to keep you competitive in your marketplace.

Monday, January 22, 2024

What Is a Telemarketing Script?

By ndenholm

The telemarketer cold call has become vilified by people who value their time and do not like to be caught off-guard with phone calls from strangers. While impatience, skepticism and a disdain for cold calling is a likely culprit for this negative perception, a poorly written telemarketing script is also one of the top reasons these calls do not elicit a positive response. Learn how to create a telemarketing script that converts higher and facilitates a better experience for both prospects and agents.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How to Transform Your Insurance Business Into a Lead Generating Machine

By ndenholm

For insurance companies, business lead generation is critical and necessary for growth. But lead generation tactics can also be difficult to implement with so many to try and numerous opportunities for failure.

Leveraging the right strategies, however, can turn your business into a lead-generating machine. Below, we identified some of these proven lead generation strategies to propel your business forward and expose it to the people who need and want your services.

Monday, January 22, 2024

How Does Call Tracking Work?

By ndenholm

Do you know which of your advertising channels are generating the highest response? Do you know which ads are producing the greatest return on your investment? 

If you don’t know the exact numbers and you are unclear on your high and low ad performers, you are likely wasting money instead of generating a positive return.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

How to Get Started with SMS Polls

By ndenholm

As a small business owner, brand awareness and visibility are top priorities as they help you build your customer base and get the word out about your products. Customer engagement is also key as you grow to help you keep current paying customers and encourage them to spread the word to others.

All three of these strategies (brand awareness, increased visibility and customer engagement) are critical to growing your small business. And SMS polling is one strategy that fosters all three without making a huge dent in your marketing budget.