How Can Business Text Messaging Help Me?
As marketing strategies adapt to changing technologies, commercial texting is becoming an increasingly valuable tool. Industries are using business SMS software for all sorts of reasons, from client outreach and marketing to sending a corporate text reminder to staff. Texting for business purposes is now a pillar of the corporate infrastructure and CallFire has the solution as your premiere sms gateway service. Text messaging for business also offers the ability to review data to see who received your messages successfully and who did not.
Use Marketing Text Messaging to:
Setting Up Call Tracking is as easy as 1...2...3...
You are ready to go! Check your dashboard to track results from your numbers!
Text Messaging Service for Business
Ever wish you could get the word out about your latest promotion more quickly? That's where an efficient text messaging gateway comes in. CallFire's company text messaging service offers an affordable medium for all your business advertising ideas. Business SMS marketing has been proven to work more effectively than almost any other channel. One of the main reasons is that the equivalent of 96% of text messages are actually opened. Mobile communications are only becoming more commonplace in today's society. This means that businesses wanting to get their brand into potential customer's hands need a mobile sms gateway, like CallFire. Cusotmers appreciate business SMS messages that they have opted in to receive. This means you can turn your existing contact list into a business text marketing platform that is nearly guaranteed to work. As an SMS gateway provider, CallFire understands that ease of use is also important. To get your SMS gateway off the ground, simply create your company text marketing campaign and schedule the text message to begin when it suits you.
Be the next CallFire client to say, "Sending mass text for my business has increased margins and ROI!" Learn more about gateway SMS by speaking to a CallFire representative today!